You Could Have This Common Disease And Not Even Know It
We often stress the importance of maintaining routine hygiene examinations and regularly encourage patients to reflect on their last visit to our office and schedule an appointment as needed. During these appointments, we do more than clean your teeth and inspect for decay. We also check your mouth for indications of other serious conditions that can greatly affect your current and future oral health. One such disease affects approximately half of American adults at some part in their lives, so there is a large chance you might be suffering and be unaware. Read on to learn more.
What is Gum Disease?
Aside from tooth decay, there are other issues that can arise with your oral health, one being gum disease. Gum disease is a serious gum infection and inflammation caused by bacterial growth along the gumline and around the base of the tooth. It is known as the silent disease because of the lack of discomfort, unlike with other conditions. Gum disease is typically seen in two forms. Gingivitis is the more common form of gum disease and is easily treated. Periodontitis is the more severe form of gum disease and can lead to serious oral health complications.
Benefit of Treating Gum Disease Early
As with any disease or illness, early detection and treatment is key. Visiting our office for your routine appointments allows our team to properly inspect the mouth for signs of gum disease. When detected in the early stages, treatment can begin as soon as possible. When the diagnosis happens too late or treatment is delayed or avoided, there is the potential for serious and irreversible damage. Unfortunately, as with tooth decay, gum disease does not improve without treatment. In fact, the exact opposite occurs. Gum disease continues to worsen until the jawbone begins to deteriorate, leading to further problems such as teeth eventually becoming loose and even falling out.
If you are located in the The Woodlands, TX area and have any questions about gum disease or are in need of an appointment, please contact our office today. We look forward to working with you to improve your oral health!