Don’t Forget About Your Gums!

We recommend that our patients visit our office every four to six months for an oral hygiene examination and cleaning. Between appointments, it is important that you are continuously monitoring and caring for your oral health. This includes inspecting and cleaning not only your teeth but also your gums. Many patients are surprised to learn that they may not be experiencing issues with decay but problems with their gums. Read on to learn more.

Has It Been Too Long Since Your Last Dental Appointment?

When was the last time you visited our office for an oral hygiene examination and cleaning? If it has been longer than six months since your last visit, you are due to schedule an appointment. It is important that you schedule routine visits and not just visit our office when you experience a problem or have a concern about your oral health. Visiting our office only when there’s a problem or concern opens you up to issues that likely could have been prevented. Read on to learn more about the importance of routine dental care.

Summer Is A Great Time To Visit The Dentist!

We hope you have been enjoying the summer. We love hearing about our patients’ activities, travel, and stories of lazy days by the pool. No matter what you have planned this summer, it is important to continue caring for your oral health. You might be surprised to learn how quickly your oral health will decline when it is not being cared for properly. We want to share some tips and reminders to ensure your oral health remains pristine through the summer and into the fall. Read on to learn more.

This Treatment Can Solve All Your Problems

Are you unhappy with the size, shape, or color of your teeth? While there are several cosmetic dentistry treatments that can correct these issues, one specific treatment can remedy all these problems at once—porcelain veneers. Veneers are a wonderful choice to hide imperfections, aesthetic concerns, and issues. This treatment will leave you with a beautiful, white, uniform smile that you will love to show. Read on to learn more about this treatment and see if it would benefit you.

Missing Teeth? Here’s A Solution You May Want To Consider.

It can be difficult to live with teeth that are less than ideal. You may be living with regular discomfort or find everyday tasks difficult, such as chewing your food and speaking properly. This may happen if you or a loved one has experienced severe decay or recent tooth loss. We are here to help you find a treatment to restore your oral health and improve your life.

What You Need To Know About Crowns

We encourage patients who need dental treatments to schedule their appointments as soon as possible. The longer you delay treatment, the greater your risk of experiencing a dental emergency or needing a more in-depth treatment. We know it can be a little intimidating if you are unfamiliar with the treatment you need. We want to take a few moments to explain more about one of the most common treatments we provide on a daily basis: dental crowns. Read on to learn more.

What Is Toothache Day And Why Is It Important?

February has a couple of well-known holidays that everyone celebrates: Valentine’s Day and President’s Day. However, there is a lesser-known holiday that takes place on February 9th that we would like to bring to your attention — Toothache Day. We all know that toothaches are no fun, so you may be wondering why we would celebrate this day. Read on to learn more about the importance of this day and why you should consider celebrating it.

2 Reasons Why Your Gums May Bleed

For years, we have shared the importance of brushing and flossing your teeth. Doing so can help prevent problems with your oral health. However, what does it mean if you see signs of pink and red when you rinse your mouth after brushing? This would indicate that you have bleeding gums. Bleeding gums does not always mean you have a problem with your oral health. It can be caused by something as simple as food trapped between your teeth. Recurring issues with bleeding gums can be a warning sign that there may be a problem with your oral health. Continue reading to learn more about what may be causing your bleeding gums.

Why We Recommend Acting Now To Change Your Smile

We cannot believe that we have reached December 1st. It feels like we just started 2023, and this year has flown by. If you are looking to make a change or improvement to your smile, there is no better time to learn how we can make your dreams a reality. With the help of restorative and cosmetic dentistry treatments, we can change any imperfection or problem with your teeth and improve your oral health. Read on to learn more.