Is Sugar Something To Be Scared Of?
It’s hard to believe that October is here already and Halloween is right around the corner. This holiday is one enjoyed by adults and children alike. While children love trick-or-treating, adults also love an opportunity to dress up and head to Halloween parties. One ingredient that seems to be in most items enjoyed at Halloween is sugar. It is in everything from your favorite candy and desserts to your favorite cocktail. Aside from decay, sugar can cause other oral health complications. Continue reading to learn more.
Is Sugar the Enemy of Your Smile?
The Halloween season is one where our patients of all ages are consuming more sugar than usual. Most people assume sugar leads to cavities, and while that is true, sugar can also lead to other issues with your oral health, such as:
Increase in Plaque Development
Each time you eat sugar, it finds a way to attach and stick to your teeth. This is one of the reasons we are so passionate about brushing our teeth after eating sugar and sweets. When sugar remains on your teeth, it turns into plaque. High levels of plaque lead to the development of gum disease.
Decrease in Saliva Production
Eating sugar causes your blood sugar to spike. When blood sugar rises, it can cause your saliva to decrease. Saliva is needed to help wash away lingering bacteria from your mouth. This is especially important when eating sugary foods. Dry mouth from lack of saliva can lead to the development of cavities. You can help combat this issue by drinking plenty of water.
If it has been longer than six months since your last hygiene examination, we suggest calling our office located in The Woodlands, TX to schedule an appointment. If you are a sugar lover, we can make sure that you are not experiencing any effects that will negatively impact your oral health. We would hate for you to have a dental emergency due to lack of care. We look forward to seeing you soon!