You’re In Control Of Your Oral Health!

I think we can all agree that the past few years have thrown many challenges our way, and things may seem like they are out of our control. No matter how frustrating the circumstances of the world at this time, such as the economy and inflation may be, there are certain aspects of our lives that we can control, such as our oral health. If you are realizing that it has been some time since your last oral hygiene examination and cleaning, I recommend scheduling your next appointment today. There is no better time than the present to take control of your oral health and ensure that you do not need any additional treatments or procedures. Delaying routine care can lead to added expenses and serious oral health complications in your future. Read on to learn more.

How Stress Impacts Your Oral Health

It’s hard to believe that we are already a month into 2022. We hope that you are having a peaceful start to the new year and finding time to relax. We know that life can easily become overwhelming and stressful with work, family obligations, sports and other activities. Not only does a hectic schedule and added stress affect your overall health, it can also affect your oral health as well. Continue reading to learn if you are experiencing stress-related trauma in your mouth.